Name the Rink Contest

Name the Rink Contest

The Town of Meadows would like to invite you to participate in the “Name the Rink” Contest. Our Multi-Purpose court is used for not only ice-hockey but ball hockey, broom ball, basketball and parties in the park so it truly is a multi-functional venue. We would love to have an inspiring name, one that is reflective of physical activity and keeping in mind the heritage of the Town of Meadows. It is a challenge… if you are up for it, email your rink title and contact information to ( or drop it off at the Town office. Contest closes at 12 p.m. Wednesday, February 25th. A prize will be awarded to the winner!

The new name will be announced at our the Grand Opening of our Rink March 1st at 2 p.m. Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy free hot chocolate, cake and family skate.